On variable viscosity and enhanced dissipation. Nonlinearity, 36(11):6071–6103, November 2023. URL . [preprint]
On echo chains in the linearized Boussinesq equations around traveling waves. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 55(5):5127–5188, September 2023. URL . [preprint]
On echoes in magnetohydrodynamics with magnetic dissipation. J. Differential Equations, 367:625–688, September 2023. URL . [preprint]
On stability estimates for the inviscid Boussinesq equations. J. Nonlinear Sci., 33(6):106, 38, September 2023. URL . [preprint]
Linear inviscid damping in Sobolev and Gevrey spaces. Nonlinear Anal., 213:112492, December 2021. URL . [preprint]
Echo chains as a linear mechanism: norm inflation, modified exponents and asymptotics. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 242(1):643–700, October 2021. URL . [preprint]
On a probabilistic model for martensitic avalanches incorporating mechanical compatibility. Nonlinearity, 34(7):4844–4896, June 2021. URL . [preprint]
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On the Boussinesq equations with non-monotone temperature profiles. J. Nonlinear Sci., 31(4):64, 38, May 2021. URL . [preprint]
On echo chains in Landau damping: traveling wave-like solutions and Gevrey 3 as a linear stability threshold. Ann. PDE, 7(1):1–29, January 2021. URL . [preprint]
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Exact constructions in the (non-linear) planar theory of elasticity: from elastic crystals to nematic elastomers. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 237(1):383–445, July 2020. URL . [preprint]
Sobolev stability for the 2D MHD equations in the non-resistive limit. CRC 1173 Preprint 2024/14, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, July 2024. .
On the Sobolev stability threshold for the 2D MHD equations with horizontal magnetic dissipation. CRC 1173 Preprint 2023/21, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, September 2023. .
On nonlinear Landau damping and Gevrey regularity. CRC 1173 Preprint 2023/20, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, September 2023. .
Magnetohydrodynamic equations around Couette flow. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), July 2024. .
On mixing and resonances in fluid systems. Habilitation thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), November 2023. .