


  • Michael Feischl has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project New Frontiers in Optimal Adaptivity.
  • Julian Dörner (project B10) has been awarded the CRC Prize 2023 for his excellent Master's theses and James Andrew King has been awarded the CRC Prize 2023 for his outstanding Bachelor's thesis.
  • Annalena Albicker (project C6) has been awarded one of the Best-Poster-Awards at the MATHSEE symposium.
  • Christian Koos and his group has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept grant for their TeraGEAR project.


  • Maximilian Ruff (project A4) has been awarded the CRC Prize 2022 for his excellent Master's theses and Jonathan Rau has been awarded the CRC Prize 2022 for his outstanding Bachelor's thesis.
  • Lukas Bengel (project B3) has been awarded a best poster awards for his outstanding poster presentation at the SIAM Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NWCS) conference in Bremen.


  • Mariam Badalyan has been awarded the CRC Prize 2021 for her outstanding Bachelor's thesis and Selina Burkhard has been awarded the CRC Prize 2021 for her outstanding Master's thesis.


  • Michael Kirn has been awarded the CRC Prize 2020 for his outstanding Master's thesis and Rebekka Zimmermann has been awarded the CRC Prize 2020 for her outstanding Bachelor's thesis.



  • Benjamin Dörich (project A7) and Marvin Knöller (project AP1) have been awarded the CRC Prize 2018 for their excellent Master's theses and Joshua Feis (project B4) has been awarded the CRC Prize 2018 for his outstanding Bachelor's thesis.
  • Jan Bohn (project AP4), Benjamin Dörich (project A7), and Marvin Knöller (project AP1) have been awarded the Faculty Prize for the best Master/Diploma degrees in Mathematics.
  • Benjamin Dörich (project A7) has been awarded a Prize of Stadt Karlsruhe.
  • Axel Loewe (projects B7) has been awarded the Gips-Schüle-Nachwuchspreis.


  • Jan Leibold (project A2) has been awarded the CRC Prize 2017 for his outstanding Master's thesis.
  • Dominic Scheider (project AP2) and Simon Kohler (project A6) have been awarded the Faculty Prize for the best Master/Diploma degrees in Mathematics.
  • Constantin Carle (project A4) has been awarded the Faculty Prize for the best Master/Diploma degree in Technomathematics.
  • Fabian Hornung (project A9) has been awarded the Faculty Prize for the best Master/Diploma degree.
  • Christian Koos (projects B3 and C4) has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant 2017.
  • Christian Koos (projects B3 and C4) has been awarded the Gips-Schüle-Forschungspreis.
  • Dominic Scheider (project AP2) has been awarded a best presentation prize at the students conference of the DMV.
  • Dietmar Gallistl (project AP3) has been awarded the New Talent Award of the conference SciCADE 2017 followed right behind by Andreas Sturm (project A4).


  • Michael Baumann has been awarded the CRC Prize 2016 for his outstanding Master's thesis.