Summer School 2020 »Computational Photonics«

Due to the Corona virus, this event was organized in a hybrid form.

Supplementary files

You can access the supplementary files with the appropriate credentials send to you via e-mail.


  • September 30th  We made today all slides available. We appreciate all the positive feedback. Thank you! We will get in contact with you again.
  • September 20th  We have added some more information in the booklet. We provide new files in the supplementary files area.
  • September 16th  We have again updated the schedule slighlty and we extended the booklet. All registrants should have received an email with credentials and further information.
  • September 10th  Our summer school will take place. We had to change plans (many times) but we are good to go. We had to work on the schedule, so please have a look into the current version from today. Also, we provide a booklet with important information for all participants.
  • May 20th  Due to the current situation, we have decided to have that summer school by default as an online event, so that everybody that wishes to participate can participate after being registered. When the current situation permits at the time of the conference, we will do it as a hybrid event, meaning that for those lecturers and students that can travel to Karlsruhe we organise the event on-site but with a proper streaming of all the lectures and exercises. With that we hope to take all restrictions into account. Depending on the situation in September, we (possibly) have to restrict the number of (local) participants to ensure regulations.


Computational methods to simulate the propagation of electromagnetic waves in complex environments are a key technology in the development of modern photonic devices and structures. Typical goals are for instance to simulate scenarios inaccessible to real world experiments, to simplify or optimize the design of optical materials and functional devices prior to fabrication, and to explore new regimes, effects, and possible applications of light-matter-interaction.

In this one week summer school world leading experts from both mathematics and theoretical physics give a concise introduction to important concepts and recent developments in the field. The lectures will be complemented by computer tutorials to provide insights into the implementation and performance of various algorithms.



From September 21-25, 2020. Have a look into the schedule. There will be a poster session on Monday. You are invited to present your own. A more detailed program will follow later.


Registration has been closed. There is no fee. Please apply early, due to limited number of participants, by completing this email form and sending it to us. (Do you have trouble opening the link? Then copy & paste the email body manually and send it completed to admin∂ Female PhD and Master's students are particularly encouraged to attend.

Notice: Please apply early for a visa (if you need one) to enter Germany.


We have limited resources for accommodation support. In case you want to apply for support, please send us a letter of motivation to admin∂ and also include a letter of recommendation from your advisor.


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Campus South, Building 20.30
Englerstr. 2
76131 Karlsruhe

Further directions.


Laurette Lauffer and Christian Knieling via E-Mail: admin∂

Local organizers

Willy DörflerRoland GriesmaierLaurette LaufferCarsten Rockstuhl


This school is a cooperative event organised by the

Collaborative Research Centre 1173 Cluster of Excellence European Doctoral Programmes in Metamaterials

Logo of CRC 1173 Wave phenomena

Logo of 3DMM2O