Summer School 2018 »Full Waveform Inversion: Mathematics and Geophysics«
Full waveform inversion is a leading edge imaging technique that exploits the full signal content of seismic data.
World-leading experts from academia as well as industry present the foundations of full waveform inversion for seismic exploration from both perspectives: mathematics and geophysics. Computer tutorials complement the lectures and provide an insight into the performance of different algorithms.
- Andreas Fichtner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Maarten de Hoop (RICE University, USA)
- Russell Hewett (Virgina Tech, USA)
- Jean Virieux (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)
From September 17-21, 2018. You can find the schedule in the right pane.
Conference Dinner
The conference dinner takes place at the restaurant Brauhaus Kühler Krug (Wilhelm-Baur-Str. 3a, 76135 Karlsruhe) on Wednesday, September 19, 18:00.
Take the tram No. 5 (NOT S5) in the direction "Rheinhafen" and get off at the station "Kühler Krug". You have then to cross the street to reach the restaurant.
Registration has been closed. Female PhD and Master's students are particularly encouraged to attend.
Notice: Please apply early enough for a visa to enter Germany if you need one, and contact us for invitation letters.
We have limited resources for accommodation support.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Campus South, Building 20.30
Englerstr. 2
76131 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: admin∂