Dyssynchronous left ventricular activation is insufficient for the breakdown of wringing rotation (bibtex)
by Gerach, Tobias, Appel, Stephanie, Wilczek, Jacek, Golba, Krzysztof S., Jadczyk, Tomasz and Loewe, Axel
Dyssynchronous left ventricular activation is insufficient for the breakdown of wringing rotation (Gerach, Tobias, Appel, Stephanie, Wilczek, Jacek, Golba, Krzysztof S., Jadczyk, Tomasz and Loewe, Axel), In Front. Physiol., volume 13, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
@article {10.3389/fphar.2022.838038,
    AUTHOR = {Gerach, Tobias and Appel, Stephanie and Wilczek, Jacek and 
              Golba, Krzysztof~S. and Jadczyk, Tomasz and Loewe, Axel},
     TITLE = {Dyssynchronous left ventricular activation is insufficient for 
              the breakdown of wringing rotation},
   JOURNAL = {Front. Physiol.},
  FJOURNAL = {Frontiers in Physiology},
    VOLUME = {13},
      YEAR = {2022},
     MONTH = {may}, 
     PAGES = {838038},
      ISSN = {1664-042X},
       DOI = {10.3389/fphar.2022.838038},
       URL = {https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.838038},
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