Three-dimensional two-photon lithography: an enabling technology for photonic wire bonding and multi-chip integration (bibtex)
by Koos, Christian, Freude, Wolfgang, Lindenmann, Nicole, Koeber, S., Hoose, Tobias and Billah, Muhammad Rodlin
Three-dimensional two-photon lithography: an enabling technology for photonic wire bonding and multi-chip integration (Koos, Christian, Freude, Wolfgang, Lindenmann, Nicole, Koeber, S., Hoose, Tobias and Billah, Muhammad Rodlin), In SPIE Proceedings (Helvajian, Henry, Piqué, Alberto, Wegener, Martin, Gu, Bo, eds.), volume 8970, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings {10.1117/12.2044327,
    AUTHOR = {Koos, Christian and Freude, Wolfgang and Lindenmann, Nicole and 
              Koeber, S. and Hoose, Tobias and Billah, Muhammad Rodlin},
     TITLE = {Three-dimensional two-photon lithography: an enabling technology 
              for photonic wire bonding and multi-chip integration},
 BOOKTITLE = {SPIE Proceedings},
    EDITOR = {Helvajian, Henry and Piqu\'{e}, Alberto and Wegener, Martin and
              Gu, Bo},
      YEAR = {2014},
     MONTH = {mar},
    VOLUME = {8970},
     PAGES = {897008},
       DOI = {10.1117/12.2044327},
       URL = {},
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