A multiparticle Coulomb system with bound state at threshold (bibtex)
by Hoffmann-Ostenhof, M., Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. and Simon, B.
A multiparticle Coulomb system with bound state at threshold (Hoffmann-Ostenhof, M., Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. and Simon, B.), In J. Phys. A, volume 16, 1983.
Bibtex Entry:
@article {10.1088/0305-4470/16/6/007,
    AUTHOR = {Hoffmann-Ostenhof, M. and Hoffmann-Ostenhof, T. and Simon, B.},
     TITLE = {A multiparticle {C}oulomb system with bound state at
   JOURNAL = {J. Phys. A},
  FJOURNAL = {Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General},
    VOLUME = {16},
      YEAR = {1983},
    NUMBER = {6},
     PAGES = {1125--1131},
      ISSN = {0305-4470},
       URL = {10.1088/0305-4470/16/6/007},
       URL = {https://doi.org/10.1088/0305-4470/16/6/007},
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