Dear organizers of the summer school on wave phenomena, please register me for the summer school on wave phenomena. Take all the required registration data of mine as follows: Surename: Forename: Email: Institution: Position (student, Ph.D. student, postdoc): For master students. (Preliminary) topic Master thesis: Advisor of thesis: For Ph.D. students. Start of Ph.D. on (mm/yy): (Preliminary) topic of Ph.D. thesis: Advisor of thesis: The summer school starts on Monday 17th at 9:00 and ends on Friday 21th at 15:30. Day of my arrival: Day of my departure: I apply here for free accomodation (yes/no): (Accomodation will be provided in a double room of a hotel in the city of Karlsruhe between 16th and 21th September. If you want to look for different accomodation you may contact us for information.) If yes: Please attach a letter of motivation (at most a page, single PDF file). For accomodation purposes: male/female I would prefer to share the double room with the following participant: Kind regards,