Numerical integrators for Maxwell–Klein–Gordon and Maxwell–Dirac systems in highly to slowly oscillatory regimes (bibtex)
by Krämer, Patrick
Numerical integrators for Maxwell–Klein–Gordon and Maxwell–Dirac systems in highly to slowly oscillatory regimes (Krämer, Patrick), PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@phdthesis {10.5445/IR/1000076449,
    AUTHOR = {Kr\"{a}mer, Patrick},
     TITLE = {Numerical integrators for {M}axwell--{K}lein--{G}ordon and 
              {M}axwell--{D}irac systems in highly to slowly oscillatory regimes},
    SCHOOL = {Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)},
      YEAR = {2017},
     MONTH = {aug},
       URL = {},
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